Brown Bag set for next Tuesday

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 12, 2001

Staff Writer

Many have been enjoying the sunshine and mild temperatures of the past few days, making this time of the year ideal for a picnic.

That is what the Pike County Chamber of Commerce thought when planning Brown Bag on the Square for next Tuesday.

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Between noon and 1 p.m., everyone is invited to grab lunch and head to the Square for entertainment and free lemonade.

Sheila Jackson, director of tourism for the Chamber, said it will be the perfect way to show appreciation on Bosses Day, which happens to fall on Oct. 16.

"It’s going to be really big this time, especially with the dedication of the gazebo," Jackson said.

The new gazebo donated by Gertrude Stephens will be dedicated in memory of Otis Stephens during the lunchtime celebration.

Jackson said the gazebo is a wonderful addition to the Square, which is the hub of many community activities, such as brown bag lunches in the spring and fall.

Tuesday’s Brown Bag on the Square will include entertainment by Johnny Barron, as well as free lemonade, cheese straws and cookies.

"We invited everyone to bring a lunch and come out for a relaxing lunch," Jackson said.