Professors teach students about new war

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 9, 2001

Staff Writer

Sunday’s air strikes against Afghanistan was just the beginning of the talk of war.

Many of those dicussions continued in classrooms on the Troy State University campus.

James H. Joyner Jr., assistant professor of political science at TSU, has been discussing the topic of terrorism since the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

"On September 12th, I spent the entirety of every class discussing the events

and answering questions about terrorism and our likely responses," Joyner said. "Since

then, I’ve largely just integrated discussion of current events into what I’m already teaching."

Joyner teaches two sections of the general studies American national government

class and has tied discussion of the war on terrorism into coverage of the media, public opinion and, now, Congress.

"Basically, I’m doing my regular lecture and using examples from this issue as illustration," Joyner said, adding that is what he’s done with other issues, such as the Clinton impeachment scandal and the 2000 election.

He also teaches an international relations course for political science and international business majors.

"In there, we’ve spent more time talking about this business just because it’s directly on topic," Joyner said. "But, even in that class, we’re still doing the readings that were assigned to begin with and, then, using that as a platform to discuss the current situation."