Council approves largest budget in history

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Staff Writer

Sep. 25, 2001 10 PM

The largest budget in Troy’s history was approved by the city council Tuesday night.

Troy City Council members adopted a $30.8 million budget for the new fiscal year that begins Oct. 1. Last year, the council approved a $28.4 million budget.

Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford outlined the budget during the council meeting, mentioning the largest amount is spent on salaries.

The Troy Police Department is the largest department and was given $2.46 million with which to operate during the 2001-02 fiscal year. The executive department will receive $2.42 million; $1.57 will go to the public works department and $1.029 will go to the fire department.

Total expenses in the general fund budget come to just over $11 million.

Within the budget approved Tuesday, the council gave employees a 2.5 percent cost-of-living raise that will go into effect the first pay period in October.

Another consideration the council had to make before adopting the budget was an increase in the electric rates for city residents.

It has been more than five years since a rate increase has been made by the city.

Council President Johnny Witherington called the city’s budget "the tool by which we continue financing affairs of the city."

In other business, the council:

· Denied a request by CSX after holding a public hearing to offer citizens a chance to voice concerns about the closing of the Academy Street railroad crossing to traffic. Dejerilyn King Henderson, who lives on Montgomery Street, said closure of that crossing would be "a disjustice" to the public.

"I can’t, for the life of me, believe it’s been proposed," she said of what is a thoroughfare from Brundidge Street to Three Notch Street.

In addition to other citizens voicing opposition Tuesday night, the police and fire chiefs, as well as the city planner, had presented letters of opposition to the council.

· Passed a resolution condemning the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States and supporting the president and Congress in any decisions they make.

A copy of the resolution will be sent to President George W. Bush.

· Authorized the city clerk and treasurer to take the necessary action to have property owners accessed to recoup the cost of demolishing dilapidated buildings in the city limits.

Those four properties and the amounts are: 207 Bush Street, $1,290, and 100 Vine Street, $800, both owned by Inez Bell/Louise Streeter; 430 North Knox Street owned by Donald Kimbrough, $1,200; 123 Lake Avenue owned by Hubert Rawls, $900.

· Had the first reading of an ordinance that would amend Chapter 13, Article 2 of the city’s code and increase electric rates.

· Was presented a redistricting plan by the mayor.