Pike County honors lives lost in tragedy

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Staff Writer

Surrounded by American flags blowing in the breeze, Pike County paid tribute to those who lost their lives in last week’s act of terrorism.

Sunday afternoon, many gathered at Bicentennial Park in Troy to remember and grieve for those they never knew, personally, but know through American citizenship.

Firefighters and law enforcement officers wearing black bands on their badges, along with military personnel stood behind wreaths to be placed in memory of the thousands of lives lost last week. There were there to honor their fallen comrades who lost their lives trying to help others.

"I think it’s important for the community to come together in remembrance," said the Rev. Steve Rascoe of Park Memorial United Methodist Church, who serves as chaplain of the Troy Fire Department.

By turning to prayer, Rascoe said, the nation can seek refuge while seeking a reason for "a loss that has changed America" forever.

Joining together as one, those at the service ­ many of whom were showing patriotism by wearing red, white and blue ­ sang "God Bless America."

As "Amazing Grace" was played on the bagpipes by Joseph McCarty, representatives from the fire service placed a wreath bearing red flowers and a fire helmet. Law enforcement officers presented a wreath decorated with yellow and blue flowers. An arrangement of red, white and blue was placed in front of the memorial arch in memory of those in the military. And, an all-white arrangement was placed as a reminder of those innocent victims on airplanes and working in the World Trade Center when the terrorists struck.

Rick Stetson said the Sunday service was to remember the lives lost and to "salute those who may be called to serve and the ones serving."

He also pointed out "when victims were coming down, the firefighters were going up" in an effort to rescue those trapped inside the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The Rev. Bobby Cox, pastor of St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, thanked God for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" enjoyed in the United States.

He also prayed "for those men and women who, on a daily basis, put their lives in jeopardy" to help others.

The haunting tones of "Taps" brought tears and an end to a moving memorial service.