Terrorist attacks cause cancellation of sporting events

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Sports Editor

Terrorist attacks in New York and Washington D.C. led to the postponement of a scheduled volleyball match between the Troy State Lady Trojans and Birmingham Southern on Tuesday.

Originally scheduled to take place at Trojan Arena at 7 p.m., TSU Athletic Director Johnny Williams and BSC Athletic Director Joe Dean, Jr. announced the postponement of the match due to the events that unfolded across the nation on Tuesday morning.

No make-up date has been announced at this time.

Additionally, Ralph Black, director of the TSU Sports Network, announced the cancellation of Tuesday’s edition of "Trojan Talk"

with head coach Larry Blakeney, which was supposed to be held that night at Buffalo’s American Grill.

Described as the "worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor." two hijacked civilian passenger jets slammed into the two 110-story towers that make up the World Trade Center in New York City and another hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C.

Both towers collapsed following the attacks and it is feared that the death toll will reach the tens of thousands. Over 40,000 people alone worked inside the two buildings.

Following the attacks, the Federal Aviation Administration grounded all air travel inside the continental United States.

Major League Baseball also cancelled scheduled afternoon and evening games for Tuesday. National League Football spokesman Joe Browne said a decision would be made on rather to play Sunday’s games "within 24-48 hours."

As of Tuesday afternoon, the NCAA was considering the cancellation of all football games scheduled for this weekend.

"The games themselves are insignificant in the face of what happened today," NCAA President Cedric Dempsey said. "Our focus is entirely on the safety of student-athletes, athletics personnel and fans."

– TSU SID contributed to this report