Training schedule perfected for
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 31, 2001
Big Brothers/Big Sisters 5K
Staff Writer
Not quite up to the challenge of a 5-kilometer race?
Well, there’s still plenty of time to prepare for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pike County Third Annual 5K Run which will be Saturday, Oct. 13.
"This is the only community fund-raising event we have during the year," said Tennie Jarrell, coordinator of school-based services for BBBS of Pike County, adding the money is needed to provide matches for grant funds.
Sandra Butler, outreach coordinator for BBBS, said 150 participated in the run last year and the goal for this year is 200.
"Troy State University and individuals in the community have been extremely helpful in the past and we are hoping for that same kind of support this year," Butler said.
With the race 10 weeks away, Butler and Jarrell have the perfect training schedule for the annual fund-raising event (with some advice from David Holt, author of "Running Dialogue").
· Week One ­ For those who are not currently running, try walking briskly for two or three miles, four to five times a week. When you can walk three miles in an hour without getting severely short of breath, it will be time to pick up the pace.
· Week Two ­ After the first mile of walking, alternate 50 to 100 years or 100 meters of gentle running. Make sure you’re not gasping for precious air and remember, you’re not sprinting to catch the bus. The cardiac unit staff isn’t following you in an ambulance, so run slowly, land gently and walk 100 yards. Don’t run too fast or you’ll wind up back on the sofa. Run walk your middle mile on three walks a week. Your forth and additional sessions can remain walks.
· Week Three ­ Walk half a mile warmup, then do two miles of alternating walk runs of 100 to 200 yards or meters. Do at least one walk run on grass or dirt trails to protect those knees. Add an another mile to one of your sessions. If you just happen to be of the
97 million overweight Americans, jot down food and fluid intake for a few days, then you’ll see those wasted calories.
Also, do those walk runs at or above 60 percent of your maximum heart rate. Stay close
to 60 percent in the early sessions. How do you know what your maximum heartrate is?
In your first few training weeks, subtract your age from 220. You should be able to maintain a conversation without huffing and puffing. Running pace must remain modest to allow your muscles to adapt. If you run too fast, your asking for injuries. such as shin splints.
· Week Four ­ Take on the hills! On one of your walk runs, try several runs or brisk walks up a gentle slope. Run down a few, also, but remember to land softly. Grass or dirt trails are great for this type of session. Change one session to half mile runs alternating with 220 yard or 200 meter walks. This will force you to run at a sensible pace. Incorporate a small amount of running into that forth walk. Add another mile to your long session of walk run; add it as brisk walking if you need to.
· Week Five ­ It’s time to add some mileage. Aim for three sessions of 4 miles and one
of 6 miles.
· Week Six ­ Repeat last week, but consolidate by doing a little less walking and a little more running.
· Week Seven ­ You should be seeing the health and fitness benefits of regular exercise, so you have two goals this week. Add a mile to two walk runs to give
yourself 20 per week ­ 4, 4, 5 and 7 is ideal. Practice running for two miles at a time on two occasions this week. Pace judgment is vital. Adjust your running speed to the
temperature, humidity and terrain.
· Week Eight ­ Take a leap of faith. After about 8 times of 100 yards of gentle
running in the early part of your 7 mile session, run four miles non-stop at easy pace. It’s okay to take 30-second water stops. Run walk the last section. Stride a bit faster up the hills in one of your other sessions.
· Week Nine ­ Fully consolidated at 20 miles per week, you may be doing more running than walking by now. You have at least a 4 mile run, a series of half mile runs, and numerous strides of 100-200 yards or meters. Keep everything relaxed while developing efficient running form.
· Week Ten ­ You’ve made it! Cut your mileage to 12-15 miles. Reduce that 7 to a 5. Two miles of continuous running would be ideal. Many of you will be doing minimal walking by now, but ease back by walking the first and last half mile of each session.
· Race Day ­ Arrive early to register. Start your warm up with a half mile walk and some stretching. Done mostly running? Warmup with a mile of running, then stretch. Line up close to the back of the other entrants, and run the first half mile slowly. Then. it may be time for you to walk 200 yards before running again. Pace it right, and you will run the whole way. Each mile should take you the same time. If you ran 11-minute miles during those two to four-mile training runs, and 10-minute-mile pace for those half mile efforts, 10 to 10.5-minute miles will be about right for 5K or 3.1 miles.
Don’t sprint at the finish. If you are feeling fresh at 2 miles, pick up the pace slightly, and enjoy the thrill of a long sustained drive to the line. Walk a half mile or so after the race, stretch, then rehydrate and enjoy your success.
For those who want to take the challenge and help Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pike County, registration forms may be obtained by calling 566-2454, stopping by the Big Brothers Big Sisters office at 103D Merrily Drive, or by contacting them at