Disruptions don’t belong in class

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 7, 2001

Schools are a place for learning, which can be interrupted by disobedient students.

Some school systems have developed "zero tolerance" policies for discipline, meaning all students ­ no matter the offense ­ are treated equally. That’s not the case here, but school officials still realize there is a problem that needs solving.

Earlier this week, Troy Elementary School principal Geoffrey Spann held a meeting to discuss the issue of discipline.

The meeting was meant to give parents ­ although few attended ­ and teachers input in a policy. Spann said parents are "the stakeholders" at TES and he wanted to give them a chance to offer input as to how their children should be disciplined if a problem arises.

It’s great parents are having a say in such matters, although they don’t need to be the sole decision makers because many of them have no idea what happens in the average school day.

Parent volunteers, substitutes and teachers are the ones who have the best insight as to the type of disruptions students experience in the classroom. Those are the ones whose opinions should carry more weight because they know what’s happening.

We applaud the efforts being made at Troy Elementary to improve the learning atmosphere.

Students can’t learn and teachers can’t teach if Little Johnny is always speaking out of turn, talking or being a nuisance to classmates.


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