Nat’l Salvation Army Week

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 18, 2001

celebrated, miracle hoped for


Features Editor

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For decades, the Salvation Army has been a miracle worker for countless individuals during emergency-type situations. Now, the local Salvation Army Service Center needs a small miracle of its own.

Cindy Duke, director of the Salvation Army Service in Troy, said things are really bad "for us."

"Times have been difficult for so many people recently," she said. "Extremely high electric and gas bills and a large number of burnouts, in addition to the regular type needs, have pushed us to the limit. On top of that, sales at the thrift store are down right now and we are just in great need."

Next week is National Salvation Army Week and the local center will celebrate, because, even in lean times there are many reasons to celebrate.

"Every time we are able to help someone in need, we celebrate," Duke said. "On the other side, when we are not able to

help because of lack of funds or supplies, we are heartbroken."

On Wednesday, May 23, The Salvation Army Service Center in Troy will host open house at the service center and thrift shop on the square,

"We’ll have hotdogs and Cokes and many of our business people have generously donated items for door prizes," Duke said. "We will also have a drawing for a $50 gift certificate at our store. We invite everyone to come by and visit with us and learn more about the good work the Salvation Army does in Pike County and throughout the country."

The Salvation Army is a Christian-based organization that has its heart in the right place, Duke said.

"We help people in emergency situations as well as those who fall through the cracks as far as government assistance in concerned," she said. "The government has regulations that must be followed for their programs and some people may make as little as a dollar too much to qualify. "

The thinking that anyone who needs help can get it is misguided, Duke said.

"There are many people who cannot get the help they need from government programs. Sometimes, you have to have a sick child or be on a respiratory before you can get on those programs. We help people like that who are truly in need. The churches in our area know the work we do because many of our referrals come from them."

The Troy service center has already spent $25,000 on social services in 2001. Much of that total was assistance with utility bills.

"Some elderly people who are living on fixed incomes just can’t make it," Duke said. "When a person living alone gets $460 a month and their light bill is $200 and they still have to pay rent, buy food and meet other necessary bills, there’s just not enough money to do it."

The summer could bring more high utility bills, leaving people on fixed incomes suffering from the heat in an attempt to keep the charges down.

"It is sad that so many people have it so hard," Duke said. "That’s why we ask that the people of Pike County open their hearts to these people by making a monetary donation to the center or by donating clothing, furniture, workable appliances, toys or any usable items to the store. We are really in need right now and we are asking the people of Pike County for help so we can, in turn, help their neighbors."

All of the donations made to the Salvation Army Service Center in Troy will benefit the people of Pike County. The center is audited every year to make sure the money is spent right, Duke said.

"The people of Pike County have always been good to us," she said. "God never said it would be easy, but He said He would provide for us. He provides for our center through the people of Pike County."

Duke cited the recent Letter Carriers Food Bank Drive as an example.


response to the postal drive was wonderful," Duke said. "We had the largest variety of food items donated that we have ever had. We didn’t just have green beans and corn. We are so thankful for the postal workers who participated and to all of those who contributed. God bless you all."

For more information or make an appointment for the center to pick up large donated items, call Cindy Duke at 807-0200.