Dance workshop to be held at

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 25, 2001

Colley Senior Complex on April 7


Features Editor

Do you love to dance? Or do you wish you could dance?

The Colley Senior Complex will offer opportunities to those who can and those who wish they could at the Colley Complex Dance Workshop April 7.

Mary Ann Casey, complex director, said classes are planned for all levels of dancers and the instructors are outstanding.

The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end around 4 p.m.

Lois Pittman, who teaches for the Enterprise Parks and Recreation Department, will teach the beginning line dance class.

She has been teaching for seven year and will have beginners doing the boot-scootin’

boogie in no time.

Beverly Capozzoli will teach the immediate line dance class.

She has danced in Japan, Baharin and London and has taught dance for six years, including line dance at the Colley Senior Complex.

Randy Ross will lead the advanced line dance class. He organized the SouthSide Shufflers line dance group in Brundidge 10 years ago. He and his students have been seen twice on the nationally televised "Club Dance."

The couples class will be taught by Leon Fortune, who also teaches at the Colley Senior Complex. Fortune can teach both line and couples dance, but he will teach couples dance to all ages at the workshop.

Troy’s own Milton and Dovie Cutchens will teach ballroom dancing. The couple has been dancing for more than 23 years and have been certified ballroom instructors for 18 years.

The cost of the dance workshop is only $10 and will include lunch.

"We are going to have an exciting and fun workshop and we invite everyone to dust off those dancing shoes and join us for the day," Casey said.

For more information or to register call 808-8500.