County administrator resigns

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 8, 2001

Staff Writer

Feb. 7, 2001 10 PM

County officials will be on the lookout for a new county administrator.

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Pike County Administrator Steve Hicks told commissioners Wednesday morning that he is leaving to become the city clerk/treasurer for the city of Enterprise.

Hicks, who has been the county administrator for almost six years, said he will leave his current position "no later than the 23rd" of February.

"It’s an opportunity to move forward in life," Hicks said of the career change. "I think it’s a positive move for me, career wise."

Before leaving his current post, Hicks said he will "take care of loose ends" so the transition will be smoother for the county commission.

"I think everything’s in good shape here," Hicks said.

While Hicks is making plans to move forward, the Pike County Commission is working to begin the search for his replacement.

"We’re getting some things together to start our search," Commission Chairman Willie Thomas said.

Thomas said Hicks’ announcement makes it "a sad time" for the commission and "a glorious time" for Hicks and his family.

"Steve is moving to a situation he feels happy with for his long-range goals," Thomas said.

Although Thomas admits "it’s a most inopportune time" for the county because of the ongoing courthouse renovations, he said it is also a positive because Hicks is moving to something better.

Commissioner Charlie Harris, who worked to recruit Hicks to Pike County, was disappointed by the announcement.

He said it will be difficult to replace someone with Hicks’ knowledge and ability to work with commissioners, other elected officials and county employees.

Hicks would have celebrated six years with Pike County this April.