Weather brings concern over

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 21, 2000

homeless domestic animals


Staff Writer

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Dec. 20, 2000 10 PM

While some pets are being protected from the frigid temperatures that have hit this area, there are plenty that are not.

Larry Fogelberg know that all too well.

As a matter of fact, Adelaide, Bo, Lady and Maggie Mae can vouch for his tender heart for friends of the four-legged kind.

Fogelberg is a foster "parent" to Bo and Lady and "father" to the other girls.

With the recent drop in temperatures, Fogelberg, who takes in homeless dogs as a member of the Pike County Humane Society, is concerned for those furry creatures who are not as lucky as the four who curl up at his feet.

Luck was with Lady when Fogelberg found her. She had a broken leg and a heartworm, but she’s an active dog with reddish and white hair.

"She’s a very good dog," Fogelberg said of Lady. "I’ve never seen her snap at anyone."

Bo may have some physical problems, such as needing a new hip, but he is a friendly black and white dog who would make a good pet.

"It doesn’t take a lot to keeps these girls and boy," he said looking and the furry four.

Both are up-to-date on their shots and are house trained.

In addition to trying to find a home for Bo and Lady, Fogelberg is working to find others willing to take in homeless dogs so they are not euthanized.

Pike County has no shelter and Troy’s animal shelter is more of a temporary facility (and has no place for stray cats looking for a home).

"The animal control officers (in Troy) are good people, but they’re limited (as to what they can do)," Fogelberg said. "What they need is people to do what I’m doing ­ taking these animals into foster care."

Right now, he is expecting to take in another dog that is pregnant. The mother-to-be has been living under someone’s porch and will not let anyone near her.

"With the cold weather, it’s heartbreaking," Fogelberg said.

By bringing awareness that the Humane Society of Pike County does exist, although it’s not a large, active group, Fogelberg hopes to find a way to help the homeless animals.

"Here in Pike County, there is nothing," Fogelberg said.

"I really think people would be willing to participate," he said of those who love animals and would be willing to open their homes to the homeless animals of Pike County.

"There’s somebody out there for every one of these dogs," Fogelberg said.

Anyone interested in adopting or being a foster parent can call Fogelberg at 670-9627.