City opts to buy five new

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 30, 2000

cars for Troy Police Dept.


Staff Writer

Nov. 29, 2000 10 PM

The Troy Police Department will be getting five new vehicles.

Tuesday night, the Troy City Council voted to award the bid to Ken Cox Ford in the amount of $105,362.

Actually, the city’s action was part of an intergovernmental exchange with the Pike County Commission, which bid seven vehicles for the Sheriff’s Department. Since the Sheriff’s Department only purchased two vehicles, the city chose to use that bid for the five police vehicles it had budgeted.

In other business, the council:

· Discussed pending litigation in which the city is planning to enter into a settlement.

The lawsuit alleging breach of contract was filed in 1994 by Dr. Alex Rodriquez against the hospital meaning the city was involved because it was filed prior to the sell of the facility.

A resolution passed by the council gave Mayor Jimmy Lunsford the authority to settle the matter at a lesser cost. Lunsford added, the settlement will be paid for from the corpus of the hospital sale (hospital fund) because the matter was a liability at the time the hospital was sold.

· Authorized additional payroll for December. On Dec. 1, full-time employees of the city who have been employees continuously for 12 months or more will receive an amount equal to 10 percent of one month’s regular compensation. Other full-time employees, part-time employees, volunteer fire fighters and school crossing guards will receive $25 each.

· Approved the application for a Recreational Trail Program grant.

The grant, which is applied for through the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, is a maximum of $50,000 with a $12,500 local match.

Dan Smith, director of Troy Parks and Recreation, said the funds would be used for "major improvements" to Murphree Park.

The grant application outlines plans for new walking trail areas and lighting for the trail, as well as a gazebo and outdoor amphitheater.

· Also discussed ­ during it’s work session prior to the meeting ­ a proposal to increase the lodging tax by one cent with the money being diverted to the Pike County Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of developing tourism.

Lunsford recommended having the first reading and public hearing at the Dec. 12 meeting and take action on the matter after the first of the year.

· Agreed with appointments made by the mayor. Lunsford appointed Jimmy Jordan to the Troy Housing Authority and re-appointed Bob Green and Jeff Bentley to the Troy Planning Commission.