VFW Post 7055 honors

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 14, 2000

Korean Veteran Justice


Features Editor

Nov. 13, 2000 10 PM

Fifty years ago, the Korean Conflict shook this nation as its young men went off to fight for freedom. Many of those young men never returned. They had given the supreme sacrifice.

The year 2000, began

a three-year commemoration of the Korean Conflict and communities across the nation have been asked to have a commemorative event. Pike County answered that call when the Pike County Veterans’ Affairs Office sponsored a salute to veterans in Brundidge in July.

On Saturday, Veterans’ Day 2000, a different kind of event honored the memory of the first Pike Countian who was killed in the conflict, Marion W. Justice.

VFW Post 7055 thought it fitting and proper to honor this fallen hero with a service at his graveside at Mt. Zion Baptist Church south of Brundidge.

A gathering of family and friends honored this man who left a wife and an 8-month-old daughter, Ann, at home to wait.

Justice was a veteran of World War II and had served his country proudly. He did not waiver from the call to take up arms again.

However, family members said he wouldn’t have minded to go at all if he could put his bundle of joy in his duffel bag and take her with him.

When Justice told his baby girl goodbye, his thoughts were probably that he might never see her again. His hopes and his prayers were that he would.

Justice left for Korea in July, 1950. Less than two months lager, on Sept. 6, 1950, he was shot and killed.

One family member remembers the day that an army

vehicle from Ft. Rucker pulled into the driveway.

It was a rainy Sunday afternoon. The sight of the car was foreboding and ominous. The message the officers brought needed no words. Tears took the place of the falling rain.

Marion Justice wouldn’t be coming home to his family. His baby would never see her father again and she would know him only as others had known him.

At the memorial ceremony Saturday, Ann Ward received a folded flag from Post Commander Henry Middlebrooks in honor of her father. She heard the kind words said about him. She heard of his love of country and his commitment and dedication to it. She heard of his bravery under fire. She heard how he died – an infantryman doing what was asked of him – never questioning why he was there. He was

a soldier who believed in his country and was willing to do the toughest job on earth – defend freedom – and then hopefully come back home and raise his baby girl.