Street talk:Who should be Alabama’s next coach?

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 8, 2000

Staff Writer

The University of Alabama’s head coach, Mike DuBose offered to resign from his position on September 16, after his team had its worse start in a decade. His offer was declined.

DuBose made the gesture after Alabama was beaten 21-0 by Southern Miss on Sept 16. DuBose said he did not intend for an immediate resignation, but for the end of the year, based on what is best for the university and football team.

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"I’m mad at myself, because I’m not doing the job the way the job should be done," said DuBose.

It has been suggested that out of all the coaches, some of the best replacements for his position would be one of the following: Jackie Sherrill, Frank Beamer, Butch Davis, or Tommy Bowden.

Jackie Sherrill is the head coach of Mississippi State University. Sherrill guided the Bulldogs to a 10-2 mark in 1999, the best overall record in the entire Southeastern Conference. Sherrill was a semifinalist for National Coach of the Year honors by Football News Magazine. He was also named GTE Region II Coach of the Year.

Frank Beamer is the Virginia Tech head coach. Beamer was the 1999 National Coach of the Year.

Butch Davis is the University of Miami head coach.

Tommy Bowden is the Clemson University head coach. He was a 1997 Coach of the Year Semifinalist.

David Lang of Brewton thought that Chan Gailey, the offensive coordinator for the Dolphins, should replace DuBose. "He is the best guy for the job because he is a nice guy and he could put the program in the right direction again," said Lang.

Joey Nelson of Baker thought Frank Beamer should replace DuBose. "Beamer should be the replacement coach because Alabama deserves the best," said Nelson.

Traci Johnson chose Jackie Sherrill as the best replacement. "Jackie Sherrill should replace DuBose because he has proven himself as a winner at Mississippi State," said Johnson.

Jamie Whitworth also thought that Sherrill would be the best replacement for DuBose. "Jackie Sherrill is my choice because he is the kind of coach that can handle the pressure that comes with being the head coach in Alabama," said Whitworth. "Also, he is a graduate of Alabama and played under Bear Bryant and therefore knows how rich in tradition the program is and he would be the best person for the job. Even if Jackie Sherrill or whoever comes to Alabama, they will still be the 3rd best coach in the state. The best coach is at Troy State, and the second best is at Auburn," said Whitworth.

Eric Burkett thought that Tommy Bowden would be a good replacement for DuBose. "It seems like everywhere Bowden goes, he turns the program around, like at Tulane and Clemson. I don’t think he’ll go to Alabama though," said Burkett.

Regardless of who is chosen to replace DuBose when he does resign, it will still be a few months to a year before he steps down.

Dubose played for legendary Alabama head coach Paul "Bear" Bryant in the early 70s. His first season as the Crimson Tide head coach in 1997 resulted in a 4-7 record. In 1998, DuBose went 7-5 and last season, won the Southeastern Conference Championship, posting a 10-3 record, which included two wins over Florida, the first time the Gators had been beaten twice in the same season.