Education, business unite

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 3, 2000

for month of November


Staff Writer

Nov. 2, 2000 10 PM

November has been proclaimed "National Education For Business Month" and the city of Troy is recognizing the vital role it plays in helping students prepare for the future.

On Thursday, Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford signed a proclamation to "recognize the significant efforts and contributions of Charles Henderson High School’s business education teachers and staff which impact so positively the well-being of American business and government."

The proclamation also recognizes the CHHS chapter of Future Business Leaders of America and how it provides students "additional experiences in the area of education, service, progress and leadership."

All those efforts, Lunsford said, should be recognized and honored.

During the month, CHHS will be joining other FBLA and business students across the state and nation in the celebration of "National Education for Business Month," which has the theme of "Taking on the World in Business."

FBLA advisors Pat Rodgers and Annette Haynes said the three main purposes of the celebration are to: focus attention on the shortage of employees who possess the essential skills necessary to the future of business; provide business educators with the recognition the need and deserve for the support they provide; and stimulate interest among young people in vocations and careers that have promising futures in the world of business.

According to studies by the United States Department of Labor, skilled professionals, such as office managers, accountants, paralegals, computer operators, information professors and other well-trained workers will be essential in the future.

"The curriculum that responds to the needs of tomorrow’s businesses is found in business education," Haynes said. "Here the students can experience a language, as well as gain an understanding of the essential elements of the American socioeconomic system."

Partners in this endeavor include the Association for Career and Technical Education, Business Professionals of America, Career College Association and the National Business Education Association.

In addition to having Lunsford sign the proclamation, CHHS students will be able to hear speakers from the business community.

Rodgers and Haynes expressed thanks to Troy City Schools Superintendent Hank Jones, the Troy City Board of Education, Career Technical Director Sherry Key and CHHS Principal Linda Felton for their "continued support" in the efforts of preparing students for "Taking on the World in Business."