Veterans Day Breakfast planned

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 2, 2000

at Colley Senior Complex


Features Editor

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Nov. 1, 2000 10 PM

The success of the Veterans Day Breakfast last year prompted the Colley Senior Complex to host another breakfast honoring veterans this year.

The breakfast will get "perking" at 7 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 11 at the Colley Senior Complex on Elm Street with coffee and juice and lots of lively chatter, said Cleo Thompson, manager of the nutrition center.

"Then around 7:30 will invite everyone for an old-fashioned breakfast of ham, sausage, butter and jelly biscuits, cinnamon rolls and fruit," Thompson said. "We hope that all veterans and their spouses will join us as we honor them on their special day."

Thompson said an outstanding program has been planned.

"Sarah Ann Whaley will entertain us on the piano and Shelia

Jackson will sing," she said. "Anyone who has heard these wonderful musicians knows what a treat that will be. Those who haven’t heard them are really in for something special."

The Troy State University ROTC will present the colors and that will be a very impressive part of the program, Thompson said.

"Calvin Head will be our emcee and Calvin is always entertaining," Thompson said. "Our guest speaker will be Rick Stetson, who is a veteran himself. Rick is a very inspiring speaker and we know that what he will have to say will be what we need to hear and will appreciate on Veterans Day 2000."

The program is planned to honor all veterans and Thompson said, too often, veterans are thought of as older men.

"But we have many young men who have served their country so proudly and we would love to see a lot of young faces at our breakfast table," she said. "Because men and women have been willing to serve, we enjoy the freedoms we have today. We just want them to all be here so we can say ‘Thank you’ and shake their hands."

The breakfast and program will be over in ample time for everyone to get to the Veterans

Day Program at Bicentennial Park by 10 a.m.


"The program will be over in plenty of time to get to the park but we will invite everyone to stay around and visit until time to go," Thompson said. "We hope everyone will make plans to attend the program at the park. Nov. 11 is Veterans Day and we hope everyone will take every opportunity to honor them. Again, we want to extend an invitation to all veterans to be with us for the Veterans Day breakfast."