Brundidge TSU Alumni Assn.

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 19, 2000

gears up for 2000 homecoming


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Oct. 18, 2000 10 PM

The Brundidge Chapter of the Troy State University Alumni Association

is gearing up for Troy State’s Homecoming Oct. 28 and the excitement is growing.

As one of Troy State’s largest alumni associations, the Brundidge Chapter is planning to show their Trojan Spirit with a huge turnout for all activities on Homecoming Day, beginning with the parade that morning and continuing until the last whistle sounds signaling a Trojan victory on the gridiron in the late afternoon.

Randy Ross, president of the Brundidge/TSU alumni association, said all members are invited and encouraged to participate in the parade and arrangements can be made by contacting him at 735-3608.

"After the parade we will all meet at our alumni tent for lunch and fellowship," Ross said. "We will have grills set up, so those who want to cook hamburgers or hotdogs may do so and those who want to bring a picnic lunch will have a place to spread it. If you’ve never tailgated before a TSU football game, you’ve missed a lot of fun and, if you have, you know how much fun it is."

Ross said last homecoming, the Brundidge/TSU alumni chapter members enjoyed meeting and talking with members of other groups.

"One of the Florida chapters was cooking shrimp and we got to sample the flavor of their chapter," he said. "Brundidge is known for its Peanut Butter Festival and, this year, we’ll have our T-nut butter on hand to show the flavor of our association."

The Homecoming tent will be a good place to sign up new members and to re-register others.

"This is the time of year to re-register as a member of the Brundidge Chapter," Ross said. "Dues are $25 a year for a couple and $15 for an individual."

The association has alumni shirts available with last year’s design and new ones with a TSU crest.

As one way to support the association’s scholarship program, the Brundidge Chapter is taking donations for chances on two footballs autographed by Fred Baxter and Cornelius Griffin.

Both are Pike County High School graduates. Baxter played for the Auburn Tigers and is in his eighth year with the New York Jets. Griffin signed with the New York Giants this spring after a stellar career at the University of Alabama.

"Last year we were able to give three scholarships to deserving high school seniors in the Brundidge area," Ross said. "This year, we hope to be able to do even more."

The general membership of the Brundidge/TSU Alumni Association will meet the first Tuesday in November to elect officers and make plans for the year 2000-2001.

"You don’t have to be a TSU graduate to join the alumni association, Ross said. "Friends and supporters of Troy State are welcome."

Ross said there are quarterly, first Tuesday, meetings of the alumni association and all members are encouraged to attend.

"We sometimes tend to think that the alumni association just supports football but that’s not true," Ross said. "We support all athletics and all of the other wonderful events that are offered at the university. We are an all-season alumni association and we invite everyone to join us."

Ross said the alumni association will have a booth at the Peanut Butter Festival Saturday and that will be a great opportunity and the first best-chance to join the Brundidge Chapter of the Troy State University Alumni Association for the year 2000-2001.