Brown Bag Lunch begins

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 11, 2000

Thursday on Square


News Editor

It’s time again for friends and neighbors to gather in downtown Troy for the Brown Bag Lunch on the Square.

Brown Bag Lunch on the Square will begin from noon until 1 p.m. this Thursday and will continue each Thursday throughout the month of October.

Brown Bag on the Square is an opportunity for members of the community to get together, fellowship and have a great time, said Sheila Jackson, Pike County Chamber of Commerce board member and Liaison for the City of Troy.

Brown Bag Lunch on the Square has been held for about three years, and each year it gets bigger and better. Chairs and tents are provided to sit and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. People are able to visit restaurants on the square and bring their lunch out to the square or bring a lunch from anywhere.

This week entertainment will be provided by Johnny Barron and Perfect Harmony. Barron is a guitarist, singer and a member of the local group Waterfall, which performed at the City of Troy Open House. He and the group Waterfall also perform at wedding and receptions. Perfect Harmony is comprised of Christine Barron, Kathy Ryles and Jackson. They have been singing together for year, and last year performed for the first time in concert at the Crosby Theater.

"We are really looking forward to Brown Bag this year," Jackson said. "We have a lot of local and good entertainment scheduled for the month."

Entertainment for later in the month includes Michael McLendon, the Colley Senior Choir, Jana Grice and many others. Jackson said there will be a good mix of entertainment like contemporary and traditional gospel, popular music, country, classical and much more.

"We want everyone to come out for the fun and entertainment and enjoy the beautiful weather," Jackson said. "School is out this week and parents need to bring their children to the square. There’s a lot to see and a lot of work going on to beautify Downtown Troy."

Brown Bag Lunch on the Square is sponsored by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Revitalization Committee.