Local libraries get boost
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 10, 2000
from Habitat for Humanity
Staff Writer
Oct. 9, 2000 10 PM
Books about people helping others will soon be on the shelves at the Troy Public Library and the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library in Brundidge.
Monday afternoon, representatives of the Troy-Pike Habitat for Humanity donated books to each of the libraries.
The adult books ­ More Than Houses and A Simple Decent Place to Live
­ were written by Millard Fuller, founder and president of Habitat for Humanity International.
Fuller, who was once an attorney in Montgomery, and his wife, Linda, have served as missionaries to Africa and the inner cities of the United States. They have traveled the world in the interest of Habitat for Humanity and have inspired a multitude of volunteers to become involved in the mission of eliminating substandard housing.
In addition to the two books for adults, four children’s books were also donated to each of the libraries. Those books, written by Ronald Kidd, are Grandpa’s Hammer, Raising the Roof, Building Friends and Doorway to the World. Each of the children’s books feature pictures created by different illustrators.
Weed pointed out the children’s books are about "people helping other people."
And, that’s the mission of Habitat for Humanity ­ helping people to get into better housing so they can have a better life.
Hawk said the Troy-Pike Habitat has constructed three houses ­ two in Troy and one in Brundidge.
Across the world, Habitat for Humanity has built 100,000 homes since 1976 with the l00,000th being finished last month.
"We’re ready to build for our next family," Hawk said of the local volunteers.
In order to qualify, individuals must reside in Pike County and be living in substandard housing. They also must provide "sweat hours" by working on the house before theirs, their own and the one following.
Beneficiaries must also have enough income to pay for the house. Each house costs approximately $50 per square foot, but the last one built in Pike County was constructed for $28 per square foot.
"There’s a misconception that it’s free," Hawk said.
Although materials, labor and architectural drawings are often donated, there is still money the family must pay, as well as the committment to help others get into a new home.
Weed said Habitat for Humanity has been successful in smaller areas, just as it has been in the bigger cities.
"Most of the work is volunteer," Weed said. "The whole community is members (of Habitat for Humanity, which operates under a board of directors)."
In addition to providing homes for people right here in Pike County, Habitat for Humanity tithes 10 percent to help build houses in areas, such as Guatemala, where $35,000 can build almost five houses.