Pilot Club Bazaar set for Saturday

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 1, 2000

Features Editor

There is nothing bizarre about the Pilot Club’s Annual Bazaar. It is the greatest place to find those special and unique gifts for friends and family and support a good cause at the same time.

This year’s bazaar will open at 7 a.m., Oct. 7 at Parklane Shopping Center, two doors down from Goody’s.

"We have a very good selection of items this year and a great variety," said Helion Motes, Pilot Club member. "Most of the items would fit in the category of arts and crafts but we do have some garage sale items, but not that many – just enough to give added interest to the bazaar."

Traditionally, some of the most popular items are the embroidered pillow cases and handmade baby items and this year will be no exception.

"We will have a large selection of handmade aprons and those have gotten to be very popular among all ages," Motes said. "We also have a variety of woodwork items, including bird houses. In that same line, decorated gourds are popular and we’ll have them in all shapes and sizes."

Holiday items always go fast, especially the handmade Christmas tree skirts, wreaths and yard decorations.

Motes said there are many surprises in store for those who attend the Pilot Club’s Annual Bazaar Saturday and, no one should go home without something very special.

"This is the Pilot Club’s biggest fundraiser and we hope to have the community’s support so that we can give back to the community through the projects that we feel are important and worthwhile," Motes said.

The Pilot Club supports special education programs in the Troy City Schools, the American Red Cross, Hospice and sponsors six people at area nursing homes.

They also send a child to Camp ASCCA each year and assist with other needs that arise throughout the community.

"The more we give back to the community the more we want to do," Motes said. "We are hoping to have the

most successful bazaar that we have ever had so that we can do the most we’ve ever done. So, we want to encourage everyone to come out Saturday and see all of the great items we have to offer. There is no admission to the bazaar and I’m sure you’ll find something you can’t leave without."