Monster-size fair coming to Pike Co.

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 1, 2000

Features Editor

A monster.

That’s the way Troy Shriner Ralph Fowee described Pike County Fair 2000.

Many claims are laid to the biggest and best but there’s no other way to describe the fair that will open at the Pike County Fairgrounds Monday.

"It’s just going to be a monster," Fowee said. "The midway will be packed from fence to fence. Usually, the midway is about 50 percent filled. This year, it will be filled 90 percent or better. One ride with literally stretch from the front fence to the back fence. It looks like a ferris wheel with long, outstretched arms and it will sling you and swing you 75 feet in the air. I don’t remember what they call it but they say it is one exciting ride."

This year the Shriners have contracted with Kissel Rides to bring brand new rides to the fairgrounds and more of them than ever before.

"Kissel is in Clanton this week and they have more rides than Clanton had room to set them up, so you know it’s got to be a big fair," Fowee said. "Some of the rides they are bringing to Pike County are brand new and they should offer a lot of thrills for young people and adults."

Fowee said Kissel will bring 20 adult rides, 20 kid’s rides and 40 midway booths.

"That’s going to pack our midway and it’s going to be a great fair," he said.

Perhaps one of the most popular thrills won’t be a twisting, twirling ride. It just might be "the wall."

"We’re going to have a climbing wall that’s about as high as a telephone pole," Fowee said. "The climbers wear a harness to protect them in case they slip as they climb. For what I hear, climbing the wall is really popular with the young people, especially the young men. The wall should create a lot of interest."

In addition to the rides and carnival games, a show woman from North Alabama will bring her dog show and pony rides as extra entertainment.

"She’s also bringing a 3,000 pound bull with a six-foot horn span that she’ll ride around the midway," Fowee said. "That will be a sight to see and her dog show is outstanding. Everyone will enjoy it."

Each night, special entertainment will be provided and, it, too, will be outstanding. Monday night there will be a gospel singing featuring Homeward Bound Quartet and Jerry Wilkerson Family Resting Place. Troy State’s Gospel Choir will take center stage Tuesday night and the Alcazar Shrine Brass Band will perform Wednesday night.

The Nashville Showcase Band will be featured Thursday and Saturday nights.

Wednesday is Students’ Day and Ronald McDonald will pay a special visit to the fairgrounds that morning and children from area schools will get to spend fun time with the Hamburger Clown. Fair gates will open at 4 p.m. on Students Day.

Gates will open at 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and at 5 p.m. Friday and 3 p.m. Saturday.

Admission prices are $6 for adults and $4 for children ages 6 – 11. Armbands for unlimited rides are $8.

Fowee said everyone is encouraged to come out to the Pike County Fair and see all the fair has to offer.

"We have some great exhibits and everyone will enjoy seeing the talents of their friends and neighbors on display and the booth displays of businesses and organizations," he said. "And, there is a lot of good food and plenty to see and do at the Pike County Fair. Don’t miss it."