Pine Ridge residents want services from city

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 27, 2000

Staff Writer

Residents of the Pine Ridge Subdivision approached the Troy City Council about providing services to their area.

Monday night, Amos Brown served as the representative for residents who would like the city to install a sewage system to replace the existing septic system, as well as installing street lights, drainage and curbing.

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"We’re very proud of our subdivision," Brown said of the residential area started in 1998 and now has about 35 homes.

"We’re not asking for anything special," Brown said, adding the residents are only asking for what they "deserve."

Brown presented the council members a petition signed by 74 individuals asking for the services.

Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford suggested the residents start the process by getting a petition for annexation because the city cannot help if all the houses are not in the city limits. Only 12 homes are currently in the city limits.

He pointed out state law requires 100 percent approval from the residents and that the subdivision be contiguous to the existing city limits.

Brown said the residents are currently working on that.

"We want to help," Councilman José Henderson said. "We’re committed to help."

He pledged to pursue the issue "diligently" and do what it takes to get it done.

Lunsford said one option is to have the city access the costs for sewage to the residents over a 10-year period.

In other business, the council:

· Discussed the budget, which will be adopted at the first meeting in October.

Lunsford said passage of the budget will mean city departments will have to tighten their belts.

"It’s the toughest thing I’ve ever worked on," Lunsford said of the budget.

He said the city will be hit for about $1 million in lost revenues, which "made it difficult to balance this budget."

· Denied Captain D’s an on/off premise retail beer license.

· Passed a resolution relating to resolving pending litigation. The city will begin mediation proceedings on Thursday regarding breach on contract with Brundidge Waste Disposal Center Inc. The city entered into a contract with the company on Sept. 26, 1990.

· Invited the public to the council’s swearing-in ceremony at 2 p.m., Oct. 2 at Troy City Hall.