Ten charged with vandalism at PCHS

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 30, 2000

News Editor

Pike County Board of Education officials signed against 10 juveniles between ages of 15 and 17 yesterday, in connection with the vandalism at Pike County High School last week.

All 10 juveniles were charged with first-degree criminal mischief, a felony, and second-degree criminal trespassing, a misdemeanor, said Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport.

The vandalism occurred last Wednesday night, two days before the PCHS and Charles Henderson High School pre-season game.

When officials and students arrived at the school Thursday morning there was spray paint on the bulldog in front of the building, the gymnasium, the snack building, a trailer, the field house and even on the sign coming into the city.

Some of the graffiti included "CHHS rules," and profane and derogatory comments about the Pike County High school mascot, the bulldog.

Surveillance cameras at the school provided helpful information for the Brundidge Police Department. Once the surveillance tapes were reviewed, interviews were held and the petitions were signed.

Hanks Jones, superintendent of the Troy City School System, said the Troy City School students involved are being disciplined through the school system.

"It is being handled as an internal discipline matter, and with the fact they are juveniles I cannot comment any further," Jones said. "I am disappointed in the students’ participation in the incident. It showed a serious lapse in judgement and we apologize to Pike County High School and the Pike County School System for the damages."

Mark Bazzell, assistant superintendent of the Pike County School System said, "the whole thing was an unfortunate incident.

"We are pleased to see there will soon be closure to it," he said.

Davenport said now that the petitions have been signed, the incident is in the hands of the juvenile court.