Train hits logging truck in Brundidge

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 23, 2000

News Editor

No injuries were reported when a CSX train hit the end of the trailer of a logging overturning the truck and dumping its cargo yesterday in Brundidge.

CSX Engineer R.D. Perry of Montgomery said he saw the truck crossing the tracks and tried to stop the train, but just couldn’t stop it.

"I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop it," he said. "But I had to try."

The train has just been traveling through the city of Brundidge in a 25 miles per hour zone and was entering a 40-mph zone when the truck was spotted.

The driver of the truck, Willie James Richards of Abbeville, said he saw the train and gunned the truck to try to get across the tracks, but didn’t get the end of the trailer across the track in time.

"It’s a good thing he gunned it and didn’t try to put it in reverse and back up," Perry said. "If he had, we’d have a totally different situation."

Richards was driving the truck for Doug Gulley in Ozark, and said he is purchasing the truck from him.

"I was turning right and crossing the tracks when I saw the train," Richards said. "I’m not hurt, but I sure am shaken up."

This accident is not the first in this location. Another accident occurred last year involving a train and logging truck.

"This is a dangerous crossing," said Moses Davenport, Brundidge Police Chief. "Once you mix human error it becomes very dangerous."