Readers take ‘advantage’ of summer

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 8, 2000

Features Editor

Mark Twain said "Those who don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t.

A large group of Troy young people will begin school this year with an advantage over those who sat around glued to the tube this summer. This group of

about 400 participated in the summer reading program at Troy Public Library and discovered many things and explored many places through the magic of books.

Teresa Colvin, children’s librarian, said her enthusiasm for the program was second only to the young people who participated.

"The children weren’t reading for awards," she said. "They were reading because they enjoy it and that is so good to see. Parents were eager to read with their children and to them. The summer reading program has been a marvelous experience for all involved. Children are learning that reading is fun. We have had a great time this summer and I appreciate everyone who has helped to make the reading program such a great success. And I certainly want to congratulate the winners on a job well done."

At summer’s end, the winners of the month long reading contest, from June 12 – July 14, were award certificates for their achievements. Youths, ages 3 – 11 were eligible to participate in the reading program. Winners were judged by the number of pages read. Ages 3-4 and 5-6 could have assistance in reading or they could count pages that were read to them.

The winners of the summer reading contest were:

Ages 3 -4 – Laura Cain, first place, 4,933 pages; Jacob Bensinger, second place, 1,790; and Paul Solomon, third place, 1,548.

Ages 5 -6 – Tyler Register, first place, 1,860; Amber Dickey, second place; 1,726; and Steven Solomon, third place, 1,708.

Age 7 –

Olivia Bensinger, first place, 2, 207 and Alicia Taylor, second place, 1,181.

Age 8 –

Melissa Cain, first place, 3,386 and Clayton Morgan, second place, 2,134.

Age 9 –

Marlie Ann Wilkes, first place, 6,616 and Wesley Taylor, second place, 1,471.

Age 10 – Kelsey Rogers, first place, 4,372 and Derek Daniel, second place, 3,928.

Age 11 – Andrew Conant, first place, 6,119 and Denise Cain, 3,422.

Children who read 1,000 or more pages were also recognized. They were: Ages 3 -4 – Jamal Hampton and Laura Dobson; ages 5 -6 – McNeill Dobson, Ryan Jones, Kendra Hampton, Emily Williams, Dustin Daniel and Dylan Gibson; and ages 7 – 11 – Kimberley Carlson, Shaniqua Siler, Dadrick Howard and John Canant, ages 7 – 11.

Winners of the futuristic drawing/model contest were also recognized. The winners were:

Ages 3 – 4 – Lynze Price, first place; Paul Solomon, second place; and Shelby Baggett, third place.

Ages 5 – 6 : Stephanie Brewer, first place; Steven Solomon, second place; and Terry Kersey, third place.

Age 7 -11 – Trey Wells, first place; Hannah Charisse Johnson, second place and Melissa Cain, third place.