Price is right for Heritage Book

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 27, 2000

Features Editor

July 26, 2000 10 PM

The Pike County Heritage Book is at the press and the publisher has "guaranteed" it to be ready for pickup in time for Christmas.

"So many people are counting on the book for Christmas presents and we have been assured that it will be here in plenty of time," said Patsy Lucas, a member of the Pike County Heritage Book committee. "We have one of the truly outstanding books in the Alabama series. We have seen many of the others and ours is really one of the best. We are excited and can hardly wait to get it in hand."

The Pike County Heritage Book is a 750-page volume with between 1,025 and 1,050 family histories included.

"In addition to the family histories, we have histories on churches, schools, businesses, communities, government, miscellany and the county itself," Lucas said.

To date more than 650 books have been sold at the pre-publication price of $54.

The heritage book committee is continuing to offer the books for sale at that price but for a limited time only.

"After that time, the price of the books will increase to $74.20 and we are encouraging everyone who would like to buy books to do so now while we can offer them at this very good price," Lucas said. "We have sold a lot of books to people all across the country who have ties to Pike County. I know when the books are published and people see how good they are, they will want one or more for their family. It’s just better to go ahead and buy now while they are at the pre-publication price."

For more information about the Pike County Heritage Book, contact Lucas at 566-3765 or Kitty Folmar at 484-3314.