Pike Commission eyes

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 11, 2000

regulations for subdivisions


Staff Writer

July 10, 2000 10 PM

Pike County Commissioners are looking into ways to regulate subdivisions.

In the meantime, the commission has placed a moratorium on subdivision applications until the regulations are approved so there will not be further confusion.

County Attorney Allen Jones briefed the commissioners Monday night on what the process involves.

"We’re not talking about something the commission will have done overnight," Jones said. "A project like this takes time."

Using a code adopted by Chambers County, Jones said plans are to have the regulations drawn up in about 30 days.

He said regulating land is "still in infant stages" in Alabama.

"There’s a lot of hurdles to cross at this time," Commission Chairman Larry Meeks said.

Jones said he wants to come up with what is legally and practical, as well as enforceable.

The whole idea for regulation was brought up over an issue concerning mobile home parks; however, Jones said the regulations will concern all subdivisions.

"They’re not being revised just because of mobile homes," Jones said.

Although many property owners might be opposed to the idea, he was quick to add "these regulations are not telling people how to use their land."

Commissioner Karen Berry wanted to point out the plans are "just regulation, not zoning."

Commissioner Larry Penn said he is "all for regulation" and added he wants to make sure everything is done correctly.

In other business, the commission:

· Changed its meeting times as of August. Beginning with the Aug. 14 meeting, the commission will meet for a work session at 5:15 p.m. and the regular business meeting at 6 p.m.

"We feel like this will give the public more of an opportunity to come to our regular meeting," Meeks said.


Granted a retain beer off premises only license to WIllie Joe Brown, owner of Brown’s Country Mart.

· Approved a request to let bids on a high-speed printer for the tax appraisal office.

· Approved a travel request for the Alabama Probate Judge Association summer conference July 19-22.

· Was informed by County Engineer Herb Huner a six-road resurfacing project will be bid in the July letting.

· Passed a resolution recognizing the Hillcrest High School call of 1965, which will hold its 35th reunion this year.