Salute to veterans set for June 29

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 17, 2000

Features Editor

BRUNDIDGE – As part of the Independence Day celebration in Pike County, the local Veterans Affairs Office will host a "Salute to Veterans" at 7 p.m., Friday, June 29 at the Knox Ryals Pavilion in downtown Brundidge.

Pike County Veterans Affairs Officer Randy Ross said the program will be held to pay tribute to all veterans and to honor their service in times of war and in times of peace.

"We owe these men and women a debt of deep gratitude," Ross said. "And, we should take every opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to them for all they have done -and are doing – so that we, as Americans, may enjoy the many freedoms that we have and that others can only dream of."

Ross said the "Salute to Veterans" is being held in conjunction with the Independence Day weekend celebration, which includes the Brundidge Business Association’s Independence Day Parade at 9 a..m on Saturday, June 30 along Main Street in Brundidge.

"We have an outstanding patriotic program planned which includes the placing of a memorial wreath, patriotic music, a "Soldier’s Moment,"

and a candlelight service honoring our veterans," Ross said. "Last year, the candlelight service was a very meaningful and moving ceremony. We hope that everyone who has a loved one who served in our Armed Forces or is serving will light a candle in their memory or their honor. Looking out at all of the candles, we realize how many people from our community have fought our battles and kept our peace."

After the patriotic service, there will be an lively rendition of the USO Shows that brought a little bit of home to men and women overseas.

"The lineup of entertainment isn’t complete but we do know that Perfect Harmony, the Barber Shop Chorus and Joyce Dix will be on stage," Ross said. "Minnie Pearl, Bob Hope and the Andrews Sisters will be back by popular demand, so we know it’s going to be a great show. We invite everyone to stay around and enjoy the fun."

Ross said the patriotic program and USO Show should run about an hour in length.

Hotdogs, soft drinks and homemade cakes will be available on the grounds and everyone is invited to come early and enjoy the fellowship of neighbors and friends before the program starts.

"We invite everyone to join us and we ask that veterans make as special effort to be a part of this event because it is their event," Ross said. "The program is a community’s salute to its veterans, so we hope all veterans will come so they can see what their service has meant to all of us."

In the event of rain, the "Salute to Veterans" will be held at the Ft. Wendell Taylor National Guard Armory on Highway 231 in Brundidge.