Troy woman killed in Thursday wreck

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 16, 2000

Managing Editor

June 15, 2000 10 PM

SPRINGHILL – A 23-year-old Troy woman was killed when her car collided with an 18-wheeler Thursday.

Around 2 p.m. Thursday, Lasaunder Denise Ginyard’s 1997 Chevrolet was demolished when it collided head-on with an 18-wheeler driven by David E. Henderson, 39, of Bonifay, Fla., on Alabama State Highway 87, just three miles from Troy near the Springhill community.

Ginyard was traveling south on 87 during periods of rain Thursday when Alabama State Troopers say her car left the road on the right-hand side. In an effort to move back onto the roadway, Troopers believe Ginyard over-corrected her steering and swerved into the path of the oncoming truck. The Chevrolet struck the truck on the passenger side at the front of the vehicle.

According to Troopers, Ginyard was ejected from her car and they reported that she was not wearing a seatbelt.

Henderson was not injured. No one else was in either vehicle and no other injuries were reported to have resulted from the accident.

For nearly four hours, Troopers, with the assistance of local police and sheriff’s deputies, routed traffic around the wreck site along a detour which extended from just north of Pike County Lake Road to the Springhill Housing Authority.

Debris littered the road from the crash and numerous law enforcement and emergency personnel worked the scene, gathering evidence to determine the cause of the crash and seeking to deal with injured persons.

According to a spokesperson at the Pinckard Alabama Trooper’s office, the office that dispatched troopers to the accident, rainy weather and slick roadways may been contributing factors in causing the wreck.

The accident remains under investigation.