Odd/even watering schedule
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 11, 2000
needs to be followed
Staff Writer
Despite pleas from city and county officials, residents do not appear to be following the rules.
Sprinklers have gone into almost constant motion since the area has had no significant rainfall.
The area has been plagued by months of drought conditions. Since the beginning of the year, less than 12 inches of rain have fallen.
It does not appear relief is in sight so city and county officials are asking residents to practice even-odd watering practices, which means homes with even addresses can water lawns on even dates and odd-numbered residences can water on odd dates.
The even-odd watering system allows maintenance of pressure of the water supply.
Since peak times of water usage are early in the morning and late in the evening, even-odd watering should maintain pressure levels during the non-peak hours.
Mike Davis, project manager for the City of Troy, said the city would "appreciate it emensly" if residents followed the even-odd practice.
"We’re holding up, but it wouldn’t take much to change that," Davis said of the water supply.
The Pike County Water Authority has not had any "major problems," and is trying to prevent any by asking customers to abide by the even-odd watering system.
Pike County residents have found letters in their mailboxes asking them to conserve water.
If relief in the form of rain doesn’t come soon, the even-odd watering could be made mandatory by residents.
As residents worry about their lawns and farmers are concerned about their livelihoods, fire officials are doing what they can to prevent disaster.
Recently, Pike County and 13 other South Alabama counties were placed under a fire alert by the Alabama Forestry Commission because of the dry, windy conditions.
That declaration means no burn permits will be issued for prescribed or agricultural burning until more rain falls on the area.