Book committee gives ‘Heritage’

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 7, 2000

donation to Troy Public Library


Features Editor

The Pike County Heritage Book Committee has given something back to the community that has given so generously of

its time and talents to the

heritage book project.

The committee donated a collection of 68 heritage books to the Troy Public Library Monday. The books have been compiled by committees in counties and cities all across the state. The collection will be available as resource materials for historical and genealogical research and will be valuable additions to the library.

"We are just so pleased that the people on the committee and the historical group got so much input from our county for this publication,’ said Margaret Stewart, Troy Public Library director. "The committee has worked very hard and they are to be commended for a

job well done. We are very appreciative of the set of heritage books. These books enlarge our genealogical section and give us a wealth of historical information about Alabama and that kind of information is very hard to come by."

Some of the books are being published and are not available but, when they are published,the committee will get a copy of each for the Troy Public Library, said committee member Patsy Lucas.

The committee members were excited to be able to make the presentation to the library but they were even more excited that the Pike County Heritage Book will be among them.

The Pike County Heritage Book is nearing the final pre-publication stages and should be in print in time for Christmas.

"Our book has 750 pages including 1,017 family histories and 322 topical stories and we’ve been told it is one of the best," said Elsie Houston, adding that the committee is very proud of

the project that involved many people in the county and also former residents.

To date, more than 500 books have been sold at pre-publication prices. Pick up orders are $54 and mail outs are $59. Prices after publication jump considerably to $70.20 and $75.20.

"We will be taking pre-publication orders until July 1, so those who want to purchase a book will be able to save several dollars by ordering now," Lucas said.

Checks may be mailed to the Pike County Heritage Book Committee, P. O. Box 112, Troy, AL 36081.

When ordering a heritage book include your name, telephone number and mailing address if applicable.