Seniors graduate from city, county schools

Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 4, 2000


Staff Writers

All the tassels have been turned and the time is here for area graduates to begin lives outside of high school.

Charles Henderson High School’s class of 2000 had119 members, and those Trojans became the 41st class to graduate from CHHS. Goshen High School saw the 78th graduating class receive its diplomas Friday. The 2000 graduating class at GHS consisted of 35 members.

Some of the graduates of wrote a poem about their reflections of the past four years. Perhaps the last words say it best: "We are often imitated, but can never be duplicated because a class like us only comes along every 2000 years."

Having them together for the last time, their principal Dr. Linda Felton took the opportunity to give them some parting words of advice.

She reminded them that "the doors are open" and it is up to them what happens when they walk through them.

Since the moment they started their freshman year, most of those wearing blue caps and gowns dreamed of the night they lived Thursday.

"This is the evening most of us have been looking forward to," said salutatorian Brian Smith.

Standing on the platform before his class he could sense the different emotions stirring as thoughts of leaving "our secure world" flashed through minds.

Smith said he wants his class "to make a difference" in the world and offered his classmates luck in their endeavors.

"You see us sitting, but we will not be still long," Smith said.

Valedictorian Meredith May offered her classmates some packing tips for the journey ahead. Those special things that should be carefully tucked away include: dreams, unconditional love for families and the desire to make a difference in the world.

May verbally illustrated not much has changed in valedictory addresses when she read an excerpt of the one given by her grandfather in 1939.

Hopefully, taking the advice of fellow classmates and those who have lead the way the past four years, a majority of the recent graduates are planning to further their education.

Charles Henderson High School graduate Victor Mosley will enroll at Troy State University while classmate Yi Lee will go further from Troy and attend the University of Illinois.

Chris Crook is also going for a four-year degree in computer science. His plans include starting at Troy State and later transferring to Auburn University. After that, he wants to go to the Air Force’s flight school.

Stephanie Boling is another one staying close to home. The former editor of the Trojan Myths

knows she wants to pursue a career in journalism and, for her, the place to continue is TSU.

No matter what, May said, "a different path lies ahead" for these graduates.

Friends and family filled the stadium at Goshen High School in honor of the graduating students.

Although many students shed a few tears at the thought of leaving their high school years behind, they also look forward to taking the first of many steps in their life outside of high school pursuing their dreams.

Shatarra Pelton and Jennifer Merritt are planning to pursue a career in nursing.

"I am going to attend George Wallace in Dothan to be a licensed practicing nurse," Pelton said. "I decided to become a nurse because my great-grandmother has always been sick and that led me to want to help people."

Merritt she said her career choice was based on wanting to help people, too.

"My grandmother had cancer," Merritt said. "And I want to be able to help people who are like her."

Stephanie Glasco and Kimberly Ousley will be attending Alabama State University with full scholarships.

"I am going to Alabama State for two year and then I am going to transfer to Clark University in Atlanta and major in communications," Glasco said. "I want to be a news caster. I’m also going to be on the yearbook staff at Alabama State."

Ousley is planning a career in business management and administration.

"I have a scholarship and will be majoring in business management and administration," Ousley said. " I will also be a member of the ASU marching band and play the symbols."

After receiving their diplomas, the senior class led the audience in singing the school’s Alma Mater. These words of the Alma Mater expressed the feelings of many of the graduates who spent their high school years roaming the halls at Goshen High: "Goshen High Alma Mater, they name we’ll e’er cheer; For you’ve guarded us for six years of our youth. You have shown us the way to form friendships dear, And pointed the pathway to truth … "May the gold never tarnish, the purple never fade, Till the dreams of our youth have come true."