Some Pike residents want

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 24, 2000

regulations on mobile home parks


Staff Writer

Some Pike County residents are apparently upset over what may become a mobile home park in their neighborhood.

About 50 residents in the area of Kelly Road and County Road 1 have signed a petition asking the Pike County Commission to regulate mobile home parks.

On behalf of the petitioners, Donnie Roberts addressed the commissioners Monday night and told them unregulated mobile home parks can be a hazard.

"Everybody I’ve spoken to has signed this," Roberts said of the petition. "They were all wanting some regulations."

Roberts said it’s been brought to his attention that a landowner is clearing property in the area to set up a mobile home park. Although the landowner has not officially announced those plans, Roberts said all indicators, such as plots being staked, reinforce the rumors.

Roberts asked the commission to adopt some regulations because he fears what might be coming.

He said talking with law enforcement officers, he’s discovered rent subsidized mobile home parks are a problem.

But, that is not the only concern. Roberts is worried about someone putting "in as many as he can" in a mobile home park.

Commissioners agreed to take the matter under advisement and consult regulations set by the state which can be adopted by local governmental bodies.

"I think this commission is going to share your concerns," said Commission Chairman Larry Meeks.

Meeks told Roberts he understood his concern because he wouldn’t "want something undesirable" in his neighborhood either.

Commissioner Karen Berry said she believes the commission "should get a handle" on the problem.

"We can’t hastily adopt things," Commissioner Willie Thomas said of the commission’s need to thoroughly review and study the issue.

"If you adopt something and it’s full of loopholes, you haven’t done anything. We have to have time to review it."

In other business, the commission:

· Heard an update on the E-911 project.

"We know there will be some changes, but don’t know to what extent," said Norvelle Ward, who is heading up the project.

Ward said mapping will begin soon and it is likely that some addresses will have to be modified. One thing the mappers will determine is whether the county should use road numbers or names. The addressing phase should be complete by this time next year.