City asks residents to

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 16, 2000

observe ‘even-odd’ watering

Staff Report

May 15, 2000 10 PM

The City of Troy is requesting that residents observe an even-odd system of watering in order to preserve water during the recent drought.

According to Gary Sherrard, chief operator for the city of Troy’s Utilities Department, the city’s water is holding out, but there is low pressure in some areas due to water usage.

"We are asking that everyone start watering on odd and even days," Sheppard said. The system is described as a "conservation measure."

Residents with even addresses are able to water their lawns on even-numbered dates, while residents with odd house numbers are asked to water on odd dates.

Sheppard said the city’s tanks are kept full, but that wells are being run "most of the time" in order to keep the tanks capped off.