Galloway Park set for 3-on-3 tourney

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 12, 2000

Sports Editor

Saturday the Brundidge Police Department will be giving back.

In an attempt to inspire community unity and erase some of the negative things that have happened at Galloway Park as of late, the BPD will hold a 3-on-3 basketball tournament at 11 a.m.

The tournament will be composed of four-man teams organized into two groups of 15-and-under and 16-and-over. Entry fee is $50 with cash prizes, T-shirts and trophies being awarded to the winners.

"We’re mainly just looking to get something for the children to do and to promote community harmony," Brundidge detective Michael Foster said. "People are always talking about how we need to do something, but nobody really ever does. It’s up to us to start doing something positive in this community, to start making a change."

The tournament will be set up on a single-game elimination so participants are encouraged to – ‘bring your A-game.’

There will be state officials calling the game (NBA rules) with five fouls per person. Anyone fighting, using profanity or cheating will be disqualified. Also, no alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the grounds. For more info call (334) 735-2366.