Police urge ATV drivers to exercise

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 25, 2000

caution, be familiar with state laws


Managing Editor

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April 24, 2000 11 PM

As summer approaches, Troy Police Department is stepping up their efforts to get the word out on off-road vehicle safety.

Each year, Troy police see an increase in the use of all-terrain vehicles as the days get longer and the end of the school year approaches. And increased use brings an increased chance of an accident. Though this weekend’s wreck occurred outside the TPD’s jurisdiction, officers encourage residents to be familiar with laws regarding ATV use and safety.

Alabama state law covers the use of four-wheelers and other all-terrain vehicles by stating that they cannot be operated legally on streets, roads or highways. It is, however, legal to operate the vehicles on private property.

"We need parents to realize these issues relating to the law and to safety," said Troy Police Chief Anthony Everage. "We ask for their help and assistance in educating our young people about the importance of these laws."

Everage said motorcycle laws do not relate to ATV laws under Title 32 of the Code of Alabama. Because of this, it is illegal to operate an ATV or four-wheeler on streets, roads and highways, Everage said.

Everage said officers can ticket motorists who operate their ATVs on city streets and roads.

"These laws are important because they help ensure public safety," Everage said. "We need everyone’s help to make sure that people out there are aware of the potential dangers of not following laws of this nature."