Daniels qualifies for County

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Commission, District 4


Staff Writer

Donnie Daniels of the Spring Hill Community has qualified to run for the Pike County Commission, District 4.

Well known around Pike County, Daniels decided to run for the commission because of his interest in politics and belief he would represent those living in his district well.

"I have been interested in politics for many years," Daniels said.

As a matter of fact, this is the second time Daniels has thrown his hat into the political arena. He once ran for a seat on the Pike County Board of Education, but did not win.

"I feel like people have the faith in me to be the messenger and not the message," Daniels said.

He said he understands what a county commissioner’s job is because he attended commission meetings.

One thing you won’t hear out of Daniels is negative things about his opponents, he said.

Daniels wants to run and win on his own character and abilities, not because negative things about other candidates are brought up in the race.

"I care about people and I think I can make a difference in how they’re represented," Daniels said. "I hope I’ve made enough of an impression."

He said he is one who sees a job through and is a hard worker, adding the confidence people have in his abilities "will show through" when the ballots are counted.

Daniels spent four years in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Vietnam.

But, once he settled in Pike County, he went to work for the Alabama Department of Transportation, where he has been employed 15 years. During those years with the highway department, Daniels has helped solve many a problem.

He also played a major role in establishing the Spring Hill Volunteer Fire Department and served on committees recognizing the contributions of Native Americans. Daniels is currently serving on the Alabama Indian Affairs Commission and has served on the Parenting Committee for Indian Education, both locally and statewide.

When he’s not working for the state or his pet projects, Daniels plays bass guitar for the local Southern gospel band, Lighthouse.

Daniels and his wife, Loretta, call Full Gospel Church their home, although they attend worship services in other churches. They have two sons, Jesse and Jason and one granddaughter, Sabra, who is 3-months-old.