Cancer survivors invited to special breakfast

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 23, 2000

Staff Writer

This year, Pike County Relay for Life will continue its tradition of recognizing cancer survivors at the Survivor’s Breakfast which is being sponsored by Boutwell Floor Covering.

The breakfast will be held the May 19, the morning of Relay, at Park Memorial United Methodist Church.

"The American Cancer Society wants to honor victories in the fight against cancer," said Nedetria Talbot, chairperson of the Pike County Relay for Life. "We want to make sure that every cancer survivor knows they are invited to the breakfast and that we are looking forward to sharing this time together."

This year, survivors will be recognized with a special survivor tee shirt. The shirts will be available at the breakfast and are free to all of those who submit their names and shirt sizes before the March 31 deadline.

"We have to order the shirts and March 31 is the latest date we can order and be assured of getting them back in time," Talbot said. "’We want to encourage all survivors to let us hear from them. We want every one of them to have one of these very special tee shirts."

A Cancer Survivor’s Invitation, on page 3 of today’s Messenger, is a response form for all survivors. There is a space on the form to mark the size tee shirt one needs.

"We are trying to make this as easy as possible for survivors to get their names to us," Talbot said. "Just clip out the form and mail it to us. That’s all you have to do."

The form also includes information about the breakfast and the Relay event.

At the breakfast, survivors will be issued special parking permits that will allow them to park near the Relay event field. Shuttle transportation will also be available from the survivor’s parking lot.

"The first lap of Relay is the Celebration of Life and we will celebrate many victories in the fight against cancer May 19," Talbot said. "We want every survivor who will to join us."

Kaye Jinright is the survivor committee chairperson. For more information about survivors’ Relay activities call Jinright at 566-1533.