Residents seem to favor

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 22, 2000

high school exit exam


Staff Writer

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March 21, 2000 11 PM

Though there was some variation in opinion, area residents tend to favor school exit exam requirements for high school students.

The state of Alabama released a test this year that some people have argued is tougher than tests in previous years. Passing the test is a pre-requisite for graduation.

Those polled favor the test.

Veronica Johnson thinks testing is an unavoidable part of life and doesn’t object to the state requirement.

"Most jobs today require some educational program," she said.

Taura Allen believes the tests give a good measurement for students and give them the opportunity to shoe what they have learned.

"It lets them know what they learned in the four years of highschool and if they are ready to go to college," Allen said.

Jody Claunch, like Allen, believes the tests are preparatory.

"A lot of people go to college and realize they have not learned anything," he said

But Christopher Blair thinks the state should not choose the test.

"Yes, I think it should be required," he said. "But it shouldn’t made up by the state. It should be up to individual school systems to come up with a test.

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