March of Dimes appeals

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 1, 2000

to younger generation


Staff Writer

Feb. 29, 2000 11 PM

The March of Dimes has brought back a memory from the past.

Many adults will remember the dime cards from when they were in school and collected money to help prevent birth defects.

WalkAmerica Team Walk Chairwoman Tammy Ellis is heading up the youth involvement project.

"Just about every child in Pike County is going to be involved in this in one way or another," Ellis said. "I think it’s wonderful."

Ellis said the idea evolved when she saw the cards and remembered collecting dimes for the worthwhile organization when she was in school. Little did she know then she would actively be involved in helping fund research that will bring healthier babies into the world.

Now, she is getting another generation involved by putting the cards in area public and private schools.

John Evers, vice principal at Pike County Elementary School, is expecting 100 percent participation from his fifth and sixth grade students.

"Our kids are really excited about doing it," he said, adding the March of Dimes is an "outstanding organization" that does so much to help babies.

"We jumped at the chance," Evers said of participating in the fundraiser.

Like Ellis, Evers remembers collecting coins for the March of Dimes as a child and was glad to see the cards back in circulation.

Ellis is pleased to see the schools want to involve the students because it not only helps a good cause, but builds character in the students and gives them something in which to take pride.

"We took pride in filling those cards," Ellis said remembering turning in the money she had collected.

"I think this is going to hit home with a lot of parents (who will remember the cards)."

But, the students will get more than satisfaction by participating in the fund raiser.

The class that raises the most money at each school will get a pizza or ice cream party for their fund-raising efforts.

This year, the WalkAmerica event will be Apr. 1 on the Troy State University campus.