Sheriff calls out dogs to hunt fugitive

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 16, 2000

Staff Writer

Feb. 15, 2000 10 PM

Pike County Sheriff’s deputies spent time on foot chasing a wanted man Tuesday afternoon, but came up empty-handed despite calling out the dogs to assist in the hunt.

An Alabama State Trooper reportedly attempted to stop Jeffrey Wayne Parker of Springhill during a routine traffic stop when Parker reportedly fled on foot, leaving a 4-year-old and a 13-year-old in his vehicle.

According to Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas, his deputies were called to the scene of Alabama 87 and Pike County Road 41 to help Troopers locate their man.

A deputy recognized Parker, who has a criminal history, at County Road 41 and County Road 6. The area was closed off and the Troy Police Department’s K-9 unit was called in to assist.

Parker is wanted on felony warrant out of Bay County, Fla. for a violation of probation/parole on aggravated assault and misdemeanor battery charges.

Tuesday afternoon, Thomas’s office contacted the Troy Police Department and had assistance tracking the fugitive from TPD’s K-9 Unit.

Authorities with the Department of Human Resources were also called to the scene to take the children into custody.