Troy faces zoning issues in meeting today

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 27, 2000

Managing Editor

Jan. 26, 2000 11 PM

Approval of a new subdivision, the rezoning of property for condominiums near the Independence Stadium and the rezoning of property off Franklin Drive for a doctor’s office are three issues that will be facing the Troy Zoning Board this afternoon.

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Walter H. Stell, an engineer working for King United Country Realty, will be at the meeting representing the subdivision proposed to be located off Spradley Drive. The request is for a 40-home subdivision located five lots east of Highway 87. The Zoning Board will consider platt approval on the issue.

A similar request was denied in 1996, based on information that Spradley Drive couldn’t handle the increased traffic load that the new subdivision would likely put on it as the only thoroughfare into and out of the subdivision.

Opposition to a zoning request in the Highland Avenue area is expected in a second issue where officials representing Game Day Center Southeast are requesting the rezoning of property near Independence Stadium from residential to commercial.

The property, currently owned by Troy State University, will become the new home for proposed condominiums by Game Day Center Southeast.

The sale of the property from TSU to Game Day Center is contingent on approval of the request. The company is Auburn-based and has put similar facilities in other college towns, particularly those that are home to SEC football teams.

Some residents in the area fear the proximity of the condominiums and a "bar and grill" housed in the facility will put extra traffic on the streets and could depreciate property value.

The company says the facility will not house an open "bar and grill" as it is stated in the application, but that limited access to the facility would be had by those staying in the condos.

The third issue facing the Zoning Board is the rezoning of a lot on Botts Avenue, west of Franklin, where Dr. Todd Pearlstein is seeking to locate a new office for Southern Health Associates, LLC. Keith Watkins will represent Dr. Pearlstein in the meeting.

The meeting will be held at 4 p.m. today at Troy City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.