Municipal Court meets for

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 27, 2000

first time in new facility


Staff Writer

Jan. 26, 2000

Troy’s new municipal courtroom was used for the first time Wednesday.

Municipal Court Judge N. J. Cervera presided over numerous cases ­ ranging from youthful offender to assault ­ throughout the day.

The bright new courtroom facility has walls paneled in a light wood and there is much more space in the facility.

Court employees are happy with the new building, especially the additional space.

"I love it," said Magistrate Becky Fowee, who has been with the court 26 years.

The thing she likes most is the the jail.

"We used to shuttle them across town," Fowee said. "We don’t have to do that, now."

She also likes the increased security, such as the metal detector and the fact those entering the courtroom can only go in and out one way.

"The facility is probably one of the best you’ll ever see," Cervera said, adding there are still some kinks.

"You’ve got to get all the imperfections out," the judge said. However, he does not think it will take long to do so. Having more room will allow cases to be heard more quickly, rather than having to be staggered like they were in the old building.

Beginning at 9 a.m., court officials were not through with the last case until around 5 p.m. although they continued to work through lunch.

He expects the day not to be quite as long the next time.

Cervera expressed his appreciation to the city for providing the much-needed spacious building.

"Basically, we’re really proud of it," Cervera said of the court facility.

Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford is proud the city was able to provide it.

"It’s a great improvement," Lunsford said of the new facilities.

Lunsford said, in years past, there was never enough room to accommodate the court officials, police officers, defendants, witnesses and anyone else who might be involved in a case.

Because of the lack of room in the past, others outside the court were inconvenienced.

Traffic used to spill out into halls and interrupt activity in the police department and traffic congestion would cause problems with surrounding businesses.

"I think that it’s a much better service for the public and it certainly makes it easier for the court system to work," Lunsford said.