State USDA director visits Rotary

Published 12:00 am Monday, December 6, 1999

Staff Writer

Dec. 6, 1999 11 PM

The State Director of USDA Rural Development will speak today at the meeting of Troy Rotary Club.

Horace H. Horn Jr. will be the featured program at the noon meeting at Troy Country Club.

Horne will discuss recent projects in which USDA Rural Development has assisted Pike County. He will also talk about economic development, community involvement and leadership.

The program is sponsored by Troy Rotarians Marcus Paramore and Maylon Murphy.

Horn has been state director of USDA Rural Development, formerly known as the Farmer’s Home Administration.

Prior to joining the USDA he worked for 15 years in the poultry industry as owner of Southeastern Farms. The farm has operations in Crenshaw and Blount counties.

He also served as president of Southeastern Structures, Inc., a commercial construction company and as president of Southeastern Bio-Gro, Inc., a commercial cooperator with Auburn University and the Tennessee Valley Authority in pioneering research and development in organic lawn and garden products.

Horn serves on the Alabama World Affairs Council, the Alabama Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Board of Directors, the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs Committee and the Governmental Affairs Committee of the Business Council of Alabama.