Hard work makes Christmas

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 3, 1999

Parade a terrific success

Monday’s Christmas Parade through downtown Troy was a staggering success, with an estimated 120 units participating and thousands of spectators turning out for the event.

As a testament to the success of the parade, now in its fourth year, Jan Stephens, one of the organizers of the event, said the parade has grown from 60 units in its first year, to 98 units last year, to the 120 units that participated Monday.

"We’ve watched it grow every year," she said. "It was impressive this year."

The Christmas Parade Committee deserves credit for making the venture a success, and additional praise is due to downtown merchants who had their storefronts lined with white Christmas lights for the occasion.

"It was an added attraction to downtown," Stephens said. "It was the first time the downtown merchants have done this and it really made the square bright and attractive."

The parade, under the leadership of the City of Troy, has prospered thanks to the hard work, determination and promotion of many individuals. From city employees to downtown merchants and business employees, many people contributed to make the parade a smashing success.

The Troy Police Department helped ensure safety at the event and the Parade went over without a hitch.

Congratulations to everyone who contributed for a job well-done. We thank you for helping us celebrate a wonderful time of year in peace and harmony.