David Helms named to

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 2, 1999

top post at CHMS


Staff Writer

Dec. 1, 1999 10 PM

Troy City Board of Education named David Helms as principal of Charles Henderson Middle School in a specially called meeting Wednesday.

Helms, who currently serves as CHMS vice principal, will replace the current Charles Henderson Middle School Principal Mike Hall.

Hall’s last official day of employment with the school system is Dec. 31.

He is leaving the field of education to pursue a career with a financial institution in Elba.

At the board meeting, Hank Jones, superintendent of the Troy City Schools System, said it was with great pleasure that he recommended Helms for the job.

A motion to hire Helms as principal was made by Board Member Vicki Jones and seconded by Board Member Ron Pierce. The school board unanimously approved Jones’ recommendation.

Helms is in his sixth year as vice principal at the middle school, Jones said.

Prior to that, he was a science teacher and head football coach at Goshen High School.

"David had a clear understanding of where the middle school has come from and where it needs to go," he said. "He has helped strengthen the climate and academic atmosphere at Charles Henderson Middle School.

"The biggest reason (we selected him) is his confidence in maintaining a secure state and warm learning environment. He has helped make teachers and students feel secure and has provided an opportunity for students to learn."

Jones described Helms as "a secure team player."

Helms, who was not at the board meeting, said he is happy to be selected principal for the middle school, and he appreciates the confidence of Jones, the selection committee and the school board.

"Our No. 1 goal will continue to be to provide a safe and conducive environment to learning and to challenge every student every day," he said.

Helms added he is proud to be a part of the city school system.

Jones said the school system posted the vacancy of the vice president’s position this morning. Applications will be taken for the next 20 days.

Helms was selected from among three candidates who were interviewed for the principal’s job.

These three candidates were among 10 people who inquired about the CHMS principal’s position, Jones said. Of those 10, four people did not follow up with applications, and six people applied for the job. Of those six, two people did not meet the requirements, so the field was narrowed to four.

Besides the three candidates being interviewed, the fourth applicant chose not to come to an interview, he said. However, that person’s application will be kept on file by the school system.

The interviews were conducted by Jones and three CHMS faculty members. Sixth Grade Teacher Anne Huner, At-Risk Counselor Mabel Williams and Math Teacher Dot Green assisted in the principal’s selection process.