Playoff games paint pretty

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 1, 1999

picture for Pike economy


News Editor

As the stakes continue to get higher for the Troy State University Trojans in the 1-AA playoffs, Pike County merchants and businesses begin to see benefits increase from each victory celebrated by the Trojans.

"Events like the 1-AA playoff are more high-profile than regular season games," said Marsha Gaylard, president of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce. "They bring more fans and they have a bigger impact on the economy."

According to Gaylard, playoff- foe Florida A&M is expected to bring about 6,000 fans to Pike County for the Saturday game. She said those fans will have a serious impact on the economy of Pike County.

"If Florida A&M brings 6,000 fans to the game this weekend and each person spends $15 each it will boost our economy $315,000 in just one day. And that’s just from their fans."

Gaylard said she reached the $315,000 total using a 3.5 multiplier, which is how many times a dollar is expected to turn over in the Pike County economy. She said the 3.5 multiplier and the $15 per person are conservative figures because each person will probably spend more money during their time in Pike County. Gaylard said she considered the figures conservative since many people will eat in local restaurants, stay in local motels and shop in local grocery stores.

But the benefits from the game do not stop with out-of-towners supporting Florida A&M. Gaylard said many TSU fans from home and out-of-town will further increase the weekend revenue in Pike County.

"If we have 15,000 people in attendance, including those from Florida A&M, about $787,500 will be spent in Pike County during the game weekend," said Gaylard.

The economic impact of the game is important, but another important aspect of the playoff game being held at Troy State is the support of the community, Gaylard said.

"If the community joins together to show their support for the Trojans, the team will know we are behind them," said Gaylard. "If the Trojans win this week they will play here again next weekend. Every week the game gets bigger, the stakes get higher and more people will come into to town and will continue to make an impact on the Pike County economy."

Gaylard is encouraging merchants and individuals to show their support for the Trojans in any way possible.

"Merchants like restaurants, motels, gas stations and grocery stores are predominantly the types of merchants who will feel the impact firsthand," said Gaylard. "We need them to show our opponents that they support Troy State."

The Troy State Student Government Association and the TSU cheerleaders are lending a hand to area merchants who want to show their support. By calling the Troy State SGA at 670-3212, the cheerleaders will come and paint the windows of the business.

"The cheerleaders have agreed to paint windows," said Gaylard. "Everyone needs to take part in their offer to help show support of the Trojans. Troy State flags need to be flown everywhere and where ever there is a marquee it needs to say something about Troy State. We need to do everything to show support for Troy State this weekend."