Spread Thanksgiving

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 25, 1999

Today is a the day for each of us to take time and give thanks for the blessing which have been bestowed upon us. Thanksgiving is a special time when family and friends gather together at the dinner table and share dreams, memories and simply being together.

On this Thanksgiving Day we hope everyone is able to be together and share the joys of the holiday season. And it is our hope that the season of thanksgiving does not end today, but continues throughout the remainder of the holiday season and into the next century.

Many time we go through days or weeks without stopping to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. We do not stop to think that we woke up this morning is as warm bed, shared a warm breakfast with family or had a car to drive or job to go to. Although these are just simple things, they are things that many people do without each day of their life.

Today when you sit down to dinner with your family remember the blessings you have in your life and pray for those who are not as fortunate.