Help protect county’s economy

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 24, 1999

and shop locally for holidays

Friday, just two days from now, the shopping season will explode in what most retailers expect to be their busiest day of the year.

Throughout the state, malls will be flooded and parking places that are within a reasonable distance of storefronts will be hard to come by.

We hope everyone will avoid the crowds the big cities have to offer and will patronize local merchants who offer virtually everything local residents could want without the mobs, the parking space shortage and the safety factors that one must consider when shopping inside urban jungles .

Police warn people to be familiar with their surroundings and to know the areas in which they are shopping, to shop during daylight hours and to keep packages in cars hidden from sight.

While we agree with this practical and sound advice, almost all of these things can be accomplished by shopping here.

Troy offers familiar environment, relatively little traffic compared to larger towns, competitive merchandise and prices and the opportunity to help boost the local economy through retail dollars and through tax dollars.

A city’s retail base is one of the most important economic indicators of progress, growth and prosperity. Together with a strong industrial and agricultural base, an economy is formed. Add a college to the mix and the potential for growth and development is astronomical.

The money that is spent here supports local businesses for expansion and potential job creation, helps improve the tax base and keeps moey recirculating here.

Consider these factors and we think that once you do, you will agree that shopping locally is the way to go.

Nov. 22, 1999 11 PM