Veterans Day program planned

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 10, 1999

for 11th hour of 11th day


In a drizzling rain in a railway car in the Compiegue Forest in 1918, peace was signed and fighting was ordered to stop on all battlefronts at the 11th hour of the 11 day of the 11th month. World War I had ended and the world was at peace.

Other wars in other times shattered that peace but that hour, day and month will never be forgotten.

Each year, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11 month is set aside for all Americans to pause to remember and honor the men and women who have fought for and defended freedom at home and abroad.

However, many Veterans Day programs across this free land are loosely attended as many take advantage of their day off to do things other than remember the veterans to whom they owe so much, said Dorothy Jinright, vice president of the Ladies Auxiliary of American Legion Post 70.

"Everybody should be patriotic enough to honor our veterans," Jinright said. "Just thinking about it isn’t really enough. We need to honor these men and women with our presence. It is the least we can do."

For 23 years, the citizens of Pike County have had an opportunity to honor veterans with their presence at the Veterans Day program held at Troy’s Bicentennial Park at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11. The last opportunity of this century – this millennium – will come tomorrow and Jinright urges everyone to attend this special service to remember and honor all veterans of all times.

Col. (ret.) John Schmidt will be the featured speaker with public officials, Mayor Jimmy Lunsford, Probate Judge Bill Stone and State Rep. Alan Boothe, also taking the speaker’s stand.

Special music will feature a quartet from First Baptist Church, Debbie Chance, Frank Nihart, Martha Shipman and Chandler Matthews. Also, on the program are Fred Kreps, commander American Legion Post 79 and the Rev. Steve Rasco, pastor of Park Memorial Methodist Church.

The Troy State University ROTC will post the colors for the ceremony. Jinright and Pugh Davis will place the memorial wreath and David Kirby will play taps in memory and honor of all deceased veterans.

"We have a wonderful program planned and we hope that everyone will take time to join us as we honor our veterans," Jinright said. "For those who can’t, we ask that they pause for a moment of silence at the 11th hour and remember the veterans of our great nation."